Friday, February 19, 2010


Ben is unsure about his role with Jacob. I fear in not wanting to push him I wasn't encouraging enough so he started testing on his own... he will give him a nudge as he walks by and then look at me out of the corner of his eye...throw balls a little too close to his head and so on. On the flip side he has started telling me when he heard him crying and trying in his very rough two year old way to comfort him. Occasionally he will ask to hold him or touch his toes but this week there has defiantly been advancements in the right direction. As I was driving home from a playgroup on Wednesday I could hear Ben whispering to Jacob, about who knows what...boy stuff I am guessing...things that moms aren't privy to...

When I looked a little longer in the mirror to try and see what Ben was saying I noticed a missing hand. Then I saw it...tucked in Jacobs car seat, he was holding his hand.

I think the nudges and the "love taps" are going to make their appearance at times but I am reassured to see some sweetness in there as well.

1 comment:

Vee said...

aaaw! that's very very special

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