We had our first open house on Saturday. This was interesting and a test of our devotion to selling as our vacuum (which worked fine...you know my beloved C-vac- last week) did not work on Saturday morning. I had to hand wash 2200 square feet of very hard floor. Boy are they clean though...if someone wants floors that sparkle this is the house for them!
We had 8 of the most different families you can imagine come through. It seems our house appeals to everyone, but really we only need one!
My favorite of our visitors was an African man with a very thick accent. I showed him through the house and paused at the top floor in front of the bathroom. He pointed to the two doors leading into the bathroom from the hall and the master bedroom.
"Oh that" I said "its a cheater en suite".
His eyes got very wide and he stared at me
"Dat ez what you call dat he-ah"?!
"A cheater"? I stared him, "yup, that's what it's called".
He looked at the bathroom again then looked me over and shrugged
"Well I guess dat ez whe-ah you cheat"
OH NO he thought I said- uhhhhh well not "cheat"
I burst out laughing..." No no not Sh**ter...CHEATER!"
He still thought I was saying the same thing until I gave him a card game analogy and then he started laughing too.
"Ohhh CHEATER, not CHEATER (it still sounded exactly the same in his accent when he said it!).
We both laughed and he did not buy my house even with a "cheater" :)