This is a Moby Wrap...they are great for dad's to experience what pregnancy may have been like as it allows the baby to be worn very close. Well...pregnancy without the other 1000 symptoms and of course removal of the baby is a significantly easier process...
Anyway, Jacob loves it and fortunately Jon is a very hands on (or off in this case...)Dad and will try out all the carriers no matter how "girly" he deems them.
I read an article (yes ANOTHER one...) on how wearing babies stimulates brain development as they are touched a lot more than babies who are not. They cry much less and their needs are met faster. Babies are worn close to their parent for much of the first year of their life and beyond all around the world. They are able to observe from a secure place where they are safe and easily comforted. They have the constant physical contact that they crave and it makes for a very strong bond between parent and child.
In our continent it is not uncommon for a baby to be picked up from their crib, placed in a car seat carrier, placed in the stroller, back in the carseat, home to the highchair for lunch, then the rotation from excersaucer, jumperoo, bumbo and then into the swing for a nap. With all the contraptions available to the busy modern parent makes it possible for a baby to not have to be picked up all day long. Instead of being wrapped in arms they are cradled in plastic. I fear Ben spent more time then I would have liked in his early days with this same common routine, becuase I didn't know of the alternative.
I have worn Jacob from the day he was born and it has proven to be a wonderful transition from womb to world. He is close to me all the time and is always content. He is such a relaxed baby and is free to drift in and out of sleep as he likes. Often I will look down to notice he is awake and wide eyed, taking in the day from the security of my chest. As he is getting older I can tell when he wants to move around more when he starts flexing his legs in the wrap. Recently happy to kick around under his play mat for a while. When he is finished his exercise he lets me know with a little whimper that he is ready to come back to my arms. It is interesting as I learn to follow his cues that he knows exactly what is good for him at what time. He is more aware of what his natural needs are then I am, I simply have to understand his communication. I am feeling like I am being a more effective parent this time with Jacob and baby wearing has been at the root of this.
i loved the wrap and so did Kiefer. I wore him till he was 25 lbs.. then he got to big. I would like to try and put him on my back with the wrap. I loved it!
Jared loves wearing our boys. We sometimes fight over who gets to wear them when we are out and about. My favourite pictures are of Jared and Justin wearing Eli and Ruby. So cute!
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