What Christmas means for an only child, grandson and nephew is... A LOT of presents!
Ben was spoiled rotten (as were his parents) and has not napped in days because he can't pull himself away from his new toys.
I made my first "full Canadian dinner" as my mom calls it, or turkey dinner as its more commonly known. I have until this point been unwilling to touch raw meat and if it can't be dumped in a slow cooker it doesn't get cooked it this house...that is until Butterball came along! I saw they have made a cook from frozen turkey that is prestuffed. I can do this! All I had to so was unwrap and insert in over...done! Well except for the carrots, corn, sweet potato, (non stove top) stuffing, turnip puff, appetizers, dessert, punch... okay not exactly done but it sure made it easy and less nauseating for me!
My family joined us for Christmas eve, poor Jon spent most of the day shovelling the mountains of snow we got the night before. We ate my dinner, watched national lampoon Christmas vacation, listened to Dad's jokes again this year (love you dad!) and exchanged gifts. On Christmas morning we headed over to Jon parents (after Jon surprised me with an I pod touch...I adhered to our $40.00 rule this year though and so poor Jon ended up with only a popcorn maker and a sweater...) where we got more turkey and presents!
I can't do up my coat now which I believe is the official sign for a successful and yummy holiday!
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