Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Plea- Post Edit.

Thank you to all who commented, through the comments section, email and facebook. It is true I keep this blog for me. It is treasured, as I can look back at any month in my son's lives and see what they were doing. My memory couldn't hold all of these precious and fleeting moments and I am grateful for my computer that is more proficient in that way. It would be less than truthful however to say I don't put myself and my family "out there" for others too see and read about because obviously my blog remains "public" and is available to anyone. In this I had to think that other must have thoughts, opinions or ideas about what I write about just as I do when I read others (and, I'll have you know...I always comment...because everyone wants to know what I am thinking, right???) and I am curious to know... that is all. I love the feedback, thank you!

J xo

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I have no opinion on this either way.... But I want to comment- so you know I care...so consider this commented on...

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