Monday, July 14, 2008

So Close...yet so Far...

Jon played in a charity golf tournement this afternoon. There was a free car on the line if you made a hole in one on a certain hole. A toyota Matrix to be exact, which if the wind had been blowing just a hair harder would be sitting in our driveway as I write this. The proof is in the picture that it was not quite meant to be...

1 comment:

Suzanne Lee said...

Hey Jenn!
I just thought I'd say Hi and that I enjoy your blog and seeing pictures of you and your gorgeous family. Ben is stunningly adorable! It's too bad that we haven't seen eachother in so long, and so much has changed too.
Well I look forward to cathching your updates on hear and feel free to check up on my blog... Although I find everyone elses so much more interesting than mine... Enjoy!

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