When did this happen!??? This month has FLOWN by and Ben is growing up so fast... too fast.
Here are some interesting (maybe only to me and gramma...) facts about my little man as he turns nine months-
1- He hates to have his diaper and clothes changed now. He squirms and rolls over and if I hold him down rips the wipes out of the container and graps at everything on his change table. It takes 5 hands to effectively change his diaper. If it is half on these days I consider it successful!
2- Ben is walking around EVERYTHING! He barely needs to be touching something for balance and I wouldn't be surprised if he started walking this month ( I am NOT ready for that!)
3- He is eating solid food now (as opposed to all pureed). He likes diced carrots, apples and pears. Tonight he tried a waffle (glutton free sweetened with pineapple juice with no reaction!) and enjoyed that as well.
4- He has just this week taken a bottle out of something other then a newborn nipple with 4 oz of formula in it. This meant that is took at least half an hour to get him to drink such a small amount. A size three nipple on the other hand means he can chug 6 oz in ten minutes....what will I do with all my free time now?!
5- He is being naughty and it is SO cute! He is not to touch the dvd player and pvr on the TV stand, nor is he to touch the wires that attach them. He knows this as he is told 15 times a day and removed from them. Now he crawls over there as fast as hew can and puts one hand on the dvd player, looks at me and grins, I say "noooo Ben" and he smiles bigger...I get more "stern" and he laughs harder...then I laugh and that is why I suck at discipline!
6- He can have a bath with no bath ring now so he can splash around on his own, he loves this new found naked freedom.
7- He can roll over and sit up in his AMBY bed which the website says is imposable and thus offers no solutions to... I am a little devastated that we may have to put him in the crib at night for his own safety.
8- no one still knows for sure what colour his eyes are.
9- His favorite toys are ones that were not expert tested, parent award recipients and over priced wooden, natural rubber toys imported from Europe like the ones collecting dust in the toy box. He prefers plastic margarine, cream cheese and baby food containers, plastic cooking utensils, remote controls, portable phones, land like cords, x box controllers and empty water bottles.
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